Mid-October brought an adventure that I did not at all expect. It’s not that I didn’t plan for it carefully and pack everything I needed for the Common Ground Adventures 4-day cabin camping trip to Bryce Canyon. And I sure had seen pictures of where I was going and was excited to finally stand in the presence of the red and white filigree towers of sandstone. In spite of my preparation for the scenic journey, it was the people I traveled with that created a long-weekend trip filled with so many highlights that I can’t remember anything else.
Highlights such as…
..Bathroom stops that were HUGE events. EVERY time! Wheelchairs, walkers and canes and braces needed to be retrieved and dispersed and kind strangers opening the doors and smiling at the strung out brood of wandering would-be campers. So many individual stories and snacks purchased with carefully handled bills and coins. I grew to love these breaks.
..Competitive Clancy, who would lurch forward, threatening to break my protective hold, whenever he thought that another person was walking faster than we were. And his feet spinning those pedals like crazy on the side by side tandem bike we shared if he saw anyone trying to pass us. He pedaled like a maniac even when the chain fell off his side, which it often did. My grease-blackened fingers didn’t bother me at all. They reminded me of the joy it was to put the chain back on and to have the privilege of riding beside this sweet man.
..Wordless but not soundless Jessie and her animation after finishing a short bike ride together. She was making loud sounds and large gestures with her hands but I didn’t know if she was upset or happy! I was finally told she was signing, “Thank you” and was happy and I was taught the sign for “you’re welcome”, which I used frequently after that. This sweet woman was so laughingly impatient with me when I didn’t clean my oranges fast enough, and took pictures of everyone in camp incessantly. She also performed any task she saw that needed done with undying devotion. Jesse came and went in her defiantly independent manner and created a little nook in my heart.
..The sweet romance of Amanda and Wally… She used him. Probably not on purpose at all. He loved it and did all she asked for, and more. He was so proud to have her attention and she was so proud that she didn’t have to get her own meals. Finally, the break-up:
“I like you”
“I don’t like you”
“I got all your food for you”
“Well, I didn’t want you to get my food”
“You had a crush on me!”
“You had a crush on me first!”
And time to move on. No hard feelings.
“Besides, I have a girl in California!”
..The events shared by a man using a walker to get around, of an auto accident 6 years before that left him walking awkwardly and having to work every day at talking. He was 42 on the day he told me this story. 36 years healthy. Now all he wants is for others to see him as a productive member of society. Independent and smart, his outer appearance belies a heart that craves and deserves respect. Once healthy and deft, every movement and action now requires effort and often pain. 36 years healthy.
..The hunched over young man in the wheelchair teased the leaders and was teased back. And when a guitar was played around the campfire, a sweet voice rose in beautiful song from the man in the wheelchair, making you forget momentarily that his very life depended on help from others almost 24 hours a day. Music caused spontaneous dancing in some and joyful singing in several. Seemed that the guitar played by one of the leaders brought common reactions to the group – and always smiles for everyone.

..Awkward steps do not always go as planned. One minute I was being pushed into a tree by a mischievous Clancy and the next, he was falling to the ground against my desperate attempt to hold him up. We both went down and my heart cried out as I tried to find a way to take the blow myself and spare my friend. But the moment happened too fast and a head hit the ground and I scrambled up in an instant to sit beside Clancy and held his head to my chest like he was a small child while I kept asking him over and over if he was all right. I had neglected my responsibility and I let him fall! Fought back my pained tears… Of course, he was gracious and explained how his left foot got caught behind his right and how that happens sometimes. Later in the day, while playing around, I told Clancy that he’d better do what I said or I’d kick him and push him down again. To my joy, he said to me, with attitude, that he was going to kick ME and push ME down! He repeated this many times in the trip and I laughed with love every time.
..After the last campfire on the last night, I went to head to bed and was met with a big surprise hug by my wordless friend. I was touched by the easy willingness to trust and love. I didn't feel like I did anything to deserve the tenderness shared with me. The surprise I felt by the hug was symbolic of the way I felt during the whole trip. Surprised at how quickly we all became friends. Surprised at what I didn't know about various handicaps and also how giving and kind their hearts were. There was no other place on earth I would rather have been during those 4 days of dawn to late night work. There was some amazing scenery in Bryce Canyon, that’s certain. But the views paled when compared with the tapestry of love painted on my heart by the heavenly paintbrushes of my new friends.