Well this certainly has become the summer for sailing! After the opportunity I wrote about previously, I got up the nerve to call Skipper Mike about lessons. I do not like to impose and this was difficult but I made myself do it (Yeah me!). He was happy and set up our first lesson immediately. That was almost 2 weeks ago. I will have my 5th and final lesson tomorrow night. I am pretty excited!
The 1st 3 lessons were in very light or no wind. Very little sailing, though I learned terms and directions and sails and sheets and so forth. But last Thursday, we had a strong breeze the whole evening... what an exciting night!! We took the Catalina 27 out and all around and we were heeled over and the water was splashing and gurgling as we sliced our way through. We were truly sailing!! What a wonderful fun time...!
I will be sad to see the lessons end tomorrow, but I am hooked. I don't know how soon, but I will buy a boat. This is too fun for my soul for me not to keep at it. The peace of being on the lake and harnessing the power of nature to cruise at an exhilarating pace is a great salve for the spirit.
Oh, and those sunsets on the lake are priceless!
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