Ever since the she-devil caught wind of a certain blog last
week, I’ve been worried about the safety of Mike, who I made the mistake of
mentioning by name. I wasn't so worried about myself as it would be too obvious for the writer of the exposé to just disappear into thin
(or hot) air. But Mike was an unwitting co-conspirator who did not ask to be
part of this drama. When we showed up at class last Friday, there was the smile
telling us that she always knew we were troublemakers. Little did we know the
consequences of bringing her treacherous methods to light. Mike has now been
gone for the last 2 classes. Coincidence?! This morning, Lisa coyly asked,
while I was struggling through chest flys in the dungeon straps, where Mike
was? I told her, “You know where he is…” She laughed joyfully and had me switch
to the deltoid fly, as if that would shut me up. It did.

One final note to the unbelievers… After the workout ended
today and we were cooling down, the voice came from behind me… “It’s soooo cold
in here! We need more heat!!” Understand that we were all sweating and SHE
(-devil) was cold. Kind of drives home the point that Lisa is used to a much
warmer environment, if you know what I mean. And that brings us back to Mike.
Release him, please, and let him return to the morning workouts! I promise we
will be more obedient. If you have to take anyone, take the one who likes
Burpees so much… You know who she is!
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